911 Call Taking Operations
Information regarding the PSAP – 911 call taking center.

The Division staffs two fully operational Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) in New Hampshire located in Concord and Laconia, combined receives approximately 1,500 911 calls each day. Police and fire requests are immediately transferred to the appropriate dispatch center upon determining the location of the emergency. An internationally recognized Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Protocol is utilized for callers reporting medical emergencies. Callers answer a few brief questions so that the proper response and pre-arrival treatment may be determined. While the caller is being asked pertinent medical questions, the information is being sent via computer to the local dispatcher center. Once the appropriate medical determinant is made, the local dispatch agency is verbally notified.
New Hampshire became the 30th Accredited Center of Excellence (ACE) by the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch in 1999. The certification requires a rigorous 20-point certification requirement for accreditation to ensure New Hampshire meets the certification, quality assurance, and ethics requirements that are in place.
Telecommunications Specialists when hired go through an initial 16 week paid training program. Phase I of the training is classroom based training with our Training Unit; this is where the new telecommunicators becomes certified as an Emergency Medical Dispatcher and as a certified Association of Public Safety Communication Officials (APCO) Public Safety Telecommunicator I. This is where they are also taught policies and procedures as well as how to use the call taking equipment. Phase II of the training process is being in the PSAP with a Certified Training Officer (CTO) processing 911 calls with the CTO. The Division of Emergency Services and Communications has a top rate Training Unit and we invest a lot of time and resources to ensure that the best possible services are provided when someone needs to call 911.
Looking for information on how to obtain a 911 Record Request – please see the Records Request information page.
2023 New Hampshire 911 Telecommunicator of the Year
In a ceremony on April 19, 2024, Linda Surowiec was named New Hampshire 911 2023 Telecommunicator of the Year! The ceremony was attended by E911 Commission members, DESC Senior Leadership, colleagues and Surowiec's family. "Linda has a remarkable ability to connect with callers on a human level, offering not only vital guidance and support, but also a comforting presence during moments of crisis," said Mark Doyle, Director of the Division of Emergency Services and Communications. "Her dedication, compassion, and unwavering commitment as one of our telecommunicators has set a standard of excellence in the PSAP."