About Us
About the Division of Emergency Services and Communications.
The Division of Emergency Services and Communications is responsible for overseeing emergency communications in the State of New Hampshire. Since July 05, 1995, the 911 system in New Hampshire has been a centralized system, meaning that all 911 calls come to our Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) either in Concord or in Laconia. These two 911 call centers operate as one call center from a technology standpoint, so you will receive the same level of exceptional service no matter which center your call routes to.
The Division is comprised of approximately 155 dedicated professionals spanning across our Bureau's which consist of Administration; PSAP Operations; Information Technology; Data Operations; Radio Communications; Special Projects; and Interoperability
Although answering 911 calls is our Division's primary objective, our PSAP Operations team would not be successful in their role if it was not for the other Bureau's within the Division providing support. Our Data Operations Unit is responsible for ensuring 911 records are in the system for address and phone number information, as well as sending our Field Representatives and Cartographers out into the community to ensure the correct mapping information is available so we can find your home in an emergency. Our Information Technology team ensures that the 911 call processing computers and hardware are always running at peak efficiency to ensure there is no delay in an emergency. Our Radio and Interoperability team ensures that the Department of Safety Radio Communications Network is operational so emergency crews can be dispatched and communicate via the radio network.
We are an ACE Accredited Emergency Medical Dispatch agency through the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch (IAED). We were the 30th agency in the United States to receive this prestigious certification. The ACE accreditation is reserved for high-performing agencies that consistently put in the work to achieve excellence.