Enhanced 911 Commission

Information about the Enhanced 911 Commission per RSA 106-H.

The Enhanced 911 Commission was established in 1992 by New Hampshire statute RSA 106-H. The Enhanced 911 Commission is made up of representatives from 19 organizations spanning from public safety to telecommunications. The members that serve on this commission are appointed by the Governor and Executive Council and serve a three-year term. The Commission meets once each quarter and receive updates on the state of the Division. The commission provides insight and recommendations based on their various expertise in the industry.

The next Enhanced 911 Commission Quarterly Meeting will be on Friday, September 13, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the New Hampshire Fire Academy Main Building, 98 Smokey Bear Blvd, Classroom 2, Concord, NH. 

(Notice: Please contact the Division of Emergency Services and Communications at 603-271-6911 at least two business days prior to the scheduled meeting if special accommodations is needed for persons with disabilities to attend.)

Group photo of 911 Commission


Back row: Henry Thomas, Jr., Paul Kasper, Paul Kelley, Patrick Robinson, DESC Director Mark Doyle (non-member),  Richard Bailey, Jr., Christopher Hodgdon, Scott Brooks, David Stack

Front row: James Valiquet, Keith Gilbert, William Wright, Commission Vice Chair E. Douglas Hackett, Commission Chair George Valliere, Commission Secretary William Wood, Arthur Nicholson, DESC Assistant Director Robert Lussier (non-member)

Not pictured: Lincoln Adams, Steven Lavoie, Cecily McNair, Timothy Wilkerson;

Enhanced 911 Commissioners:

Meeting Minutes

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