For Immediate Release
Posted: February 04, 2025


Patrick Cavanaugh, Public Information Officer
(603) 223-4235 |

NEWS RELEASE: A Full Circle Moment: Tuftonboro Family Reunites With N.H. 911 Telecommunicator, Local Responders Who Guided Them Through Childbirth

Group photo of meet and greet

TUFTONBORO, N.H. – A Tuftonboro family celebrating the birth of their daughter after an emergency delivery last month reunited with the New Hampshire 911 telecommunicator and local responders who guided them through the life-changing moment. The New Hampshire Department of Safety’s Division of Emergency Services and Communications (DESC) held a celebration event for Nick McNally, his partner, Keelin Shea, and their family Tuesday at the Tuftonboro Central Fire Department, where they had the opportunity to meet and thank the emergency professionals who played a crucial role in their baby Annalise’s safe arrival.

The call came into 911 after Keelin began having contractions, and they realized the baby was coming sooner than expected. Nick told attendees that their car was warming up in the driveway, his mother was arriving to watch their other daughter, and they were preparing to head to the hospital in Conway. However, they didn’t make it out the door, as baby Annalise arrived, even before the local responders reached the scene.

The celebration honored all of the individuals involved with the call, including New Hampshire 911 Assistant Supervisor Jonathan DuBois, whose calm guidance and patient care instructions over the phone helped the father, Nick and his mother, Robin, navigate the birth of baby Annalise. From the start of the call, Assistant Supervisor DuBois provided the reassurance and step-by-step directions that were crucial in this high-stakes moment.

“It’s not every day that one of our 911 telecommunicators gets to meet the faces of those they spoke to on the other end of the line,” said Mark Doyle, Director of the Division of Emergency Services and Communications. “Today’s event is a testament to the incredible work done behind the scenes, where calm voices and quick thinking can make all the difference.”

Emergency response is always a team effort and today’s reunion also recognized Carroll County dispatcher Abigail Smith, paramedic John Burdette and advanced EMT Rob Evans from Stewart’s Ambulance, and Capt. Frank Tranchita, firefighter and EMT Philip Soletsky, firefighter and EMT Heather Bosa, and Deputy Richard Piper from Tuftonboro Fire Rescue Department. Their quick response and expertise ensured the best possible outcome for the family.

“Everybody sees the fire trucks, police cruisers and the ambulances, but sometimes the dispatchers get left out,” said Deputy Chief Richard Piper from the Tuftonboro Fire Department “This is an occasion where they really did their job and did it well.”

“Our telecommunicators work tirelessly to provide the highest level of care and customer service,” said Debbie Bray, DESC’s Chief of PSAP Operations. “Very rarely do our telecommunicators learn the outcome of their calls.”

New Hampshire became the 30th Accredited Center of Excellence (ACE) by the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch in 1999. The certification requires a rigorous 20-point certification requirement for accreditation to ensure New Hampshire meets the certification, quality assurance, and ethics requirements that are in place.

Today’s gathering served as a rare and cherished opportunity to celebrate life, teamwork, and the impact of those who answer the call for help.